Bjørn-Erik Thorud Bjørn-Erik Thorud

My analog-digital workflow

After trying a lot of different solutions on handling my negatives, I think I’ve found the perfect workflow (for me). But before I get to that, I’ll go through the different approaches that I have tried out before I came to my conclusion of which one suited me the best.

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A walk around town with the Hasselblad - part 2
Bjørn-Erik Thorud Bjørn-Erik Thorud

A walk around town with the Hasselblad - part 2

After walking around with the Haselblad a few days ago I finally finished the roll. Had two more frames left. Initially my plan was to push develop the film since I’de rated the Kentmore 400 as 1600ASA. But after watching a few videos on Youtube I came to another desition.

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My first medium format camera
Medium Format, TLR Bjørn-Erik Thorud Medium Format, TLR Bjørn-Erik Thorud

My first medium format camera

I had been thinking for some time that I wanted to get back into analog photography. I had my dads old Minolta 7s up on a shelf as decoration and was first thinking of using that, but I wanted to do something new. I read about medium format and all the different cameras, films and formats available.

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